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3 Remixed' on December 22, 2004, up on his SheezyArt page. Later he put this video as 'The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. The result was a video containing a few clips from the episode repeated and used in a random manner. YouTube Poop started with a guy named SuperYoshi testing out Windows Movie Maker, a new piece of software he found in his newly installed Windows XP, using the episode 'Recycled Koopa' from The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. There are also well-known phrases used such as 'PINGAS' or 'Do a Barrel Roll!'. The source material can be mashed all together into a nonsensical Crossover story, or just repeat footage of the characters gesticulating oddly or apparently saying something dirty over and over and over again.

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YouTube Poop (often referred to by its shorthand, 'YTP') is a Neo- Dada art form consisting of video remixes that are edited from a large array of video clips in order to confuse, stun or entertain the viewer.

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